
Rehabilitation for Adolescents Struggling with Addiction

It can feel overwhelming to think about talking to your child about their substance abuse problem, and you may feel that you have all but exhausted your options to help them. However, it is important to remember that there is hope and there are still things you can do to help your child overcome a drug addiction problem. Many parents who suspect their teen may have a problem with substances are unsure where to begin. Enlisting the help of your child’s doctor, an addiction treatment provider, or even a school counselor is often times the best option. Once you’ve determined that your child does indeed have a problem with drugs or alcohol, a medical or drug treatment professional can help to assess the severity of the problem and determine an appropriate treatment approach. Since each teen is unique in his or her recovery needs, the best teen rehab center is a facility that takes multiple approaches to treating your teen. A comprehensive approach to substance abuse is most effective

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Adolescents With ADHD

Among the different approaches to Psychology (Psychoanalysis, Humanistic Therapy, Gestalt, Cognitive-behavioral Therapy ...) the only one that is scientifically supported and evidence-based is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. From Centered Health , an adolescent treatment center, we find out that there are numerous scientific studies that demonstrate its effectiveness in all types of disorders and especially in ADHD. What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and why is it indicated in these cases? Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is the tool that human beings use to adapt to the environment and survive. It has an adaptive function, adaptive and functional behaviors are learned, and dysfunctional and maladaptive behaviors are unlearned. This therapy is oriented to the psychological flexibility, modifies and develops the human behavioral, cognitive, social and emotional skills. The CBT affects the responsibility and promotes the dismissal of bad mindset patterns through a change

ADD or ADHD Without Hyperactivity

It is increasingly common to hear about ADD or ADHD without hyperactivity or attention deficit without hyperactivity. But is ADD a different disorder than ADHD? In order to obtain an answer to this question, we went to the Malibu based adolescent treatment center, Centered Health and spoke with its experts. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a neuro-developmental disorder in which the adolescent presents in different levels of restless behaviors, difficulties to maintain attention as well as impulsive behaviors. According to Centered Health psychologists, depending on which symptom is more predominant, three subgroups are defined: ·          Combined presentation ·          Predominant presentation with attention deficit ·          Predominant hyperactive impulsive presentation Let's see the meaning of the initials: ADD: Attention Deficit Disorder. ADHD: Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder. How is the disorder re

Centered Health on Teenage Depression

Adolescence is always an unsettling time, with the many physical, emotional, psychological and social changes that accompany this stage of life. The transition from adolescence into young adulthood is often marked by normal emotional ups and downs. To make matters worse, teens are bombarded by conflicting messages from parents, friends, and society.  After puberty, adolescents experience a variety of changes, both behaviorally and psychologically. They also experience mood swings that can seem severe, depending on the day and the circumstances, say the experts from Centered Health, one of California’s best residential treatment facilities for adolescents in recovery from addiction and co-occurring disorders. Depression is of the most common mental health diagnoses among adolescents. However, symptoms in teens may manifest themselves in different ways than in adults due to the different social and developmental challenges facing teens. Estimates from a study conducted by Cent

How to Choose the Right Teen Rehab

Teenagers have a well-deserved reputation for partying and experimenting. Namely, around 75% of high school students in the US have used addictive substances at least once, and nearly half of them, as much as 6 million kids, currently use. Educating your children and keeping your house safe from substances can be helpful, but ultimately it won’t prevent them from using. When it comes to protecting your teen, there’s only so much you can do. Malibu-based teen rehab facility Centered Health understands the complexities of adolescent substance abuse. No matter what your child’s substance of choice is, their innovative treatment programs can teach your teenager to live without drugs, alcohol or prescription medications. Although only 7% of addicted teens receive treatment for their disorder, it is proven that rehab for teenagers with substance problems can be highly effective. Rehab not only keeps teenagers off the streets and away from temptation, but it helps get an addict’s b